Our Mission
We are a group of dedicated investment experts from Kiel, committed to financial education and security for families. Together, we have made it our mission to secure the financial future of the next generation.
We believe that children always deserve the best. For this reason, we resist the common and outdated investment options like savings accounts and building society contracts. These offer little return today and can even lead to loss of value. To address this colossal issue, we specifically advise parents on modern investment options for children.
Consultation Process
Book a Free Consultation
Sign up for a free and non-binding consultation using our form. Answer a few short questions and leave your contact details so that one of our experts can get in touch with you.
Invest4Kids Contacts You
We will contact you within 48 hours and discuss the next steps in a short 5-minute phone call. Together, we will assess your current situation to ensure that you get the most out of the consultation.
Your Individual Consultation
Enjoy 30 minutes of investment knowledge for your child! During the consultation, we will get to know your unique family situation. Afterwards, we will answer all your questions, provide detailed information on relevant investment topics, and explain how to invest optimally for your child.
The Invest4Kids Concept for Your Child
After the consultation, we will begin the investment process for your child. You can relax while our experts take care of everything, from developing the strategy to handling paperwork and controlling. From now on, your child can look forward to €25,703 more by their 18th birthday and benefit from the other advantages of the Invest4Kids concept.
Kostenlose Beratung buchen
Trage dich für eine kostenlose und unverbindliche Beratung in unserem Formular ein. Beantworte hierfür einige kurze Fragen und hinterlasse deine Kontaktdaten, damit sich ein Experte von uns bei dir melden kann.
Invest4Kids kontaktiert dich
Wir melden uns innerhalb von 48 Stunden bei dir und besprechen in einem kurzen 5-minütigen Telefonat den weiteren Ablauf. Hier prüfen wir gemeinsam, wie dein aktueller Stand ist, sodass du maximal von einer Beratung profitieren kannst.
Dein individuelles Beratungsgespräch
Du genießt 30 Minuten Investment Wissen für dein Kind! In der Beratung geht es darum, dass wir deine individuelle familiäre Situation kennenlernen. Im Anschluss beantworten wir dir all deine Fragen und informieren dich ausführlich zu den für dich relevanten Investmentthemen und erklären dir, wie du optimal für dein Kind investierst.
Das Invest4Kids Konzept für dein Kind
Nach dem Gespräch starten wir das Investment auch für dein Kind. Hier kannst du dich entspannt zurücklehnen. Von der Strategieerstellung bis hin zu den Unterlagen und dem Controlling- unsere Experten übernehmen alles für dich. Ab jetzt kann sich dein Kind auf 25.703€ mehr zum 18. Geburtstag freuen und profitiert von den weiteren Vorteilen des Invest4Kids Konzepts.
Invest4Kids: A look at our company history
Founding of Invest4Kids
The starting signal for Invest4Kids. On this day, not only was the idea born, but also the name that represents our commitment: to empower children and their families in financial matters.
First Client Consultations
We began advising our first clients. From the start, the goal was to support each family individually and lay the foundation for a secure financial future for their children.
Team Expansion at Invest4Kids
Our team is growing! The first marketing employees join us to spread the message of Invest4Kids further and reach more families.
Invest4Kids on Instagram
We are now on Instagram! With our first post, we share our vision and start building a community of like-minded people.
Team Expansion Due to Demand
Due to the greatly increased demand, we are expanding our team with more sales staff. Our goal is to support even more families on their path to financial education and independence.
Invest4Kids GmbH Founded
A major milestone for us – the founding of Invest4Kids GmbH. This step underscores our commitment and success in advising families on children's financial matters.
Podcast 'Kinderleicht investieren' Launched
A significant milestone for Invest4Kids – on April 12, 2024, we launched our podcast 'Kinderleicht investieren.' This step expands our reach and strengthens our mission to comprehensively educate families about children and finances.
Website 2.0 Goes Live
On April 19, 2024, we launched our Website 2.0. The new version of our website significantly improves the user experience and offers enhanced resources for parents who want to invest in their children's financial future. This underscores our commitment to innovation and user-friendliness.
Launch of the Invest4Kids Course
Another major milestone is the launch of our Invest4Kids course on August 1, 2024. This course is specifically designed to provide parents with in-depth knowledge about investments for children. It expands our educational offerings and reinforces our commitment to supporting families in financial matters.
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