
Welcome to 'KINDERleicht Investieren', the podcast that shows you how to save and invest smartly for your child as a parent. Compact, simply explained, and easy to apply—perfect for parents who want to give their children the best possible future.

The experts from Invest4kids, Susanna and Torben, will show you how to invest tax-free with ETFs and earn a 6% return for your child. With our advice, you'll find the perfect investment for your child.

Are you ready to take the first step toward a financially secure future for your children?

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All Episodes

October 4, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #026 Retirement age at 80?!

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What do rising pension contributions, the challenges of the baby boomer generation, medical advances and the trend towards fewer and fewer children have in common? They could be the biggest stumbling blocks to your child's financial security and future! Why should you worry about your child's pension now when your child is just learning to walk? Exactly because! Because the earlier you start investing for your child's future, the better the chances are that they won't have any financial worries later on. In the latest episode of "KINDERleicht Investieren", Torben and again Bogdan talk about why the pension gap could become a real problem for our children and why you have the opportunity to turn the tide right now. You'll find out how you can lay the foundations for a carefree future with smart investments today and which financial mistakes you should avoid at all costs. So, what are you waiting for? Get the tips you need to secure a golden future for your child - all in the new episode.

September 27, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #025 How to save tax when investing for your child

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Egal, ob es um dein Einkommen oder um Immobilien geht – überall zahlst du ordentlich Steuern. Aber auch bei Investments lauern viele versteckte Kosten, die oft übersehen werden. Wusstest du, dass bis zu 25% deiner Rendite direkt an den Staat gehen können, wenn du nicht aufpasst? In dieser Folge „KINDERleicht Investieren“ dreht sich alles um Steuern bei Kinderinvestments und die Fallstricke, die Eltern dabei beachten sollten. Wir schauen uns an, wie sich das Investieren für Kinder entwickelt hat und welche Steuerregeln aktuell in Deutschland gelten. Torben und erstmals auch Bogdan, der Mitgründer von Invest4Kids, zeigen dir, wie du clever investierst, Steuerfallen umgehst und dafür sorgst, dass dein hart verdientes Geld wirklich deinem Kind zugutekommt – und nicht in fragwürdige Projekte wie Fahrradwege in Argentinien fließt. Wenn du sicherstellen möchtest, dass dein Kind finanziell abgesichert ist, ohne dass der Staat einen großen Teil abkassiert, solltest du diese Folge auf keinen Fall verpassen!

September 20, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #024 How do parents teach their children about money?

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In the 24th episode of "KINDERleicht Investieren", Alex gives personal insights into how his own family dealt with money. How were finances talked about in his childhood? And what values does he pass on to his own children today? Alex also talks about how he and his wife have managed to integrate the topic of finance into everyday life. Listen to the new episode and find out how his children's mindset has developed over the years with regard to handling money correctly and what tips he has for parents to prepare their children for handling money at an early age!

September 13, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #023 How can I start an investment for my child?

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The new episode of 'KINDERleicht Investieren' revolves around this very question! Susanna and Torben explore common savings goals such as a driver's license, university education, or building equity for a first home. But what will these costs really be in 18 or 30 years? And how much would you need to set aside each month to achieve these goals?

September 6, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #022 Key Interest Rate and Interest Rate Shift: What You Need to Know Now

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Have you always wondered what the key interest rate actually is and how it affects your finances? In this episode of 'KINDERleicht Investieren,' Torben and Alex dive deep into the topic of key interest rates. They explain what the key interest rate is, why it is sometimes raised, and what role it plays in the financial system. While many Germans still invest their money very conservatively, Torben and Alex will show you why now is the right time to start investing. Let your money work as hard for you as you do – and how do you do that correctly?

August 30, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #021 Is it still worth investing in real estate nowadays?

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In this episode of 'KINDERleicht investieren' we ask the question: Is it still worth investing in real estate nowadays? With rising prices and limited space, many families are wondering if real estate is still a sensible investment. Together with our real estate expert Alex, we explore whether and when a real estate investment makes sense for families. We discuss the best approach, which factors to consider, and the opportunities and risks associated with buying property in the current market conditions.

August 23, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #020 Robo-Advisor Risks: Is your investment really safe?

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In this episode of 'KINDERleicht investieren,' we address parents who are already investing for their children. Do you think you're on the safe side just because you already have an investment? There might be more to it than that! We share the story of a client who was convinced he had done everything right – until it turned out that his investment through a robo-advisor caused unexpected losses. What went wrong? And what can you learn from it?

August 16, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #019 Free investment advice for parents? How is that even possible?

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In this episode of 'KINDERleicht Investieren,' we address what is probably our most frequently asked question: How does an initial consultation at Invest4Kids work, and is it really free?

August 9, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #018 The Biggest Risk in Child Investments!

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In this episode of KINDERleicht Investieren, we dive deep into a topic that many parents underestimate: the right to participate in child investments. In the last episode, we already discussed the five criteria for a perfect investment, but why are we dedicating an entire episode to the right to participate? Because it's the greatest risk to your investment if you don't take it into account.

August 2, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #017 Five Criteria for the Perfect Child Investment

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Life is often unpredictable. Whether it’s sudden changes in your family finances, economic crises due to wars, or legal and tax changes—this episode explains what you need to watch out for to stay protected against all these uncertainties. Torben and Susanna discuss a checklist of the five key criteria that make an investment perfect for your child. Are you looking to invest for your child and unsure what to consider? Then this episode is just for you. Or do you already have an investment account or savings plan? You might be missing out on significant potential. Tune in to find out if your investment meets all the important criteria and how to best secure your child’s future.

July 26, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #016 Why Most Parents Don't Start Investing

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In this episode of “KINDERleicht Investieren,” we tackle the bullshit arguments about why parents don't start investing for their children. How often have you made New Year's resolutions, only to keep putting them off? Many parents approach investing for their children the same way, with the excuse “I don't have time for it.” But postponing and procrastinating cost valuable time and money.

July 19, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investiere #015: When is the Right Time to Start Investing?

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In this episode of "KINDERleicht investieren" (Investing Made Easy for Kids), we discuss the topic of when the right time is to start investing for your child. True to the motto "better to start than to wait," we explain why you don't have to wait for the perfect time and what effects the cost-average effect has. Additionally, we talk about why you shouldn't be afraid of crises.

July 12, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investing #014 Why you should invest with an expert

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In this episode of "KINDERleicht investieren", we talk about why you should invest with an expert. We share our experiences with parents - from beginners to those who have already developed their own strategy for their child. We also look at the MSCI World, one of the best-known ETFs, and why it's not always the best choice for your child's strategy. We use an example to explain what a difference the compound interest effect can make and how you too can have as much money in your savings as Scrooge McDuck. Listen in and find out how you can make the best investment decisions for your child!

July 5, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #013 Why a custody account is not a good investment for your child

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In this episode of "KINDERleicht Investieren", we look at the topic of custody accounts and why they are often recommended as the best investment option. We explain why a custody account is actually not a good investment for your child and why influencers still recommend it. We look at the various aspects that make a custody account an unsuitable choice for your child and present alternative, better solutions. Listen in and find out how you can make the best investment decisions for your child!

June 28, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #012 Can I lose all my money?

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In the latest episode of 'KINDERleicht Investieren', the experts from Invest4Kids explore the question: Can I lose all my money when investing? We shed light on the risks and rewards of investing and explain how you can ensure your children's financial security by safeguarding their condition. Listen in for sound insights and practical tips to help you make smart and safe decisions.

June 21, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #011 How realistic are 6% returns (S&P 500)

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In the new podcast episode of "KINDERleicht investieren", the experts from Invest4Kids talk about how realistic a 6% return is. We explain what yield is, how it comes about, and take a look at the S&P 500. We also explain why you can't just take the exact yield of the ETF. Dive in to understand financial basics with ease and secure your children's future!

July 14, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #010 Insight into the everyday life of a single parent counselor

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In the latest episode of "KINDERleicht investieren", we give you an insight into the life of Laila, a single mother and advisor with us. She shares her experiences and challenges in everyday life and shows how she ensures her children's financial security. Check it out to learn practical tips and strategies that can help you too to ensure your family's financial security.

June 7, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #009 ETFs vs. funds - Which is better?

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In this podcast episode, you'll find out why it's worth thinking beyond the traditional savings account. We look at funds and ETFs - two promising investment strategies.

May 31, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #008 ETFs - What are they?

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In the latest "KINDERleicht investieren" podcast episode, we explain: What is an ETF? We explain in easy-to-understand terms how exchange traded funds work and why they are a smart way to provide financial security for children. Listen in now to easily understand the world of ETFs and make smart decisions for your family's future!

May 24, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #007 Investment funds - What are they?

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In the latest "KINDERleicht investieren" podcast episode, we explain to young parents what a fund is. From the definition to specific examples, we take you on a journey through the world of this investment. Find out how funds can contribute to your children's financial security. Listen in and gain easy-to-understand insights into the world of funds!

May 17, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #006 Share - What is it?

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In the latest "KINDERleicht investieren" podcast episode, young parents discover the world of shares. We explain what shares are and how they can make a decisive contribution to children's financial security. Learn the basics and find out how you can cleverly integrate this form of investment into shaping your family's future. Listen in now and become a financial wizard for your children!

May 10, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #005 Investment - What is it?

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In the latest "KINDERleicht investieren" podcast episode, we take young parents on a journey through the world of investment. From basic definitions to practical tips, we explain what is behind the term "investment" in an understandable way. Get inspired on how you can shape your children's future by making smart financial decisions. Listen in and take your first steps into the world of investing!

May 3, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #004 The best investments

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In the latest episode of "KINDERleicht investieren", we explore the best ways for young parents to achieve financial security. From shares, funds and ETFs to real estate and gold - we shed light on the benefits of tangible assets. Discover how you can create a sustainable foundation for your children's future through smart investments. Listen in now and be inspired by the best investments!

April 26, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #003 The worst investments

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In the latest "KINDERleicht investieren" episode, we expose financial stumbling blocks for young parents: Building society savings contracts, savings books and capital-forming life insurance policies. Find out why these supposedly safe investments are often not the best choice and which alternatives will help you to shape your children's financial future wisely. Listen in to avoid pitfalls and take the right steps!

April 19, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #002 You're burning your child's money

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In the latest episode of "KINDERleicht investieren", we focus on fundamental questions: Why is investing so important for young parents? We shed light on how inflation affects your children's money and raise awareness of why our generation needs to rethink. Learn why supporting your child will be costly in the future. Listen in to create financial awareness and set the course for a secure future!

April 12, 2024KINDERleicht Investieren

KINDERleicht Investieren #001 Who is Invest4Kids and what do we do?

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Get to know Invest4kids better in this "KIDS investing the easy way" podcast episode: Why we're doing this podcast, what sets us apart, and how we're shaping your kids' financial future.Discover why an advisor is crucial to investing wisely and creating lasting security for your family's dreams.

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